Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Thanks for spreading the news! If you can, please update your posting to
note that there is an extended deadline of July 1, 2008, for film


Chris Riedesel
VP, The Artivist Collective

Sunday, June 15, 2008


It was HOT - 90 degrees plus - the last few days. And if the cost of the air-conditioning is worrying you, maybe it's time to get a new job with more money!

This month I have two courses starting that will help you with your job search..

Job Support Group
Looking for a job? Laid off? Want options? Group coaching includes networking plan, resume review, interviewing tips and how to close the deal.
Six one-hour sessions - once weekly - $150.

Getting A Survival Job Class
For entertainment types -actors, writers, directors and all those pursuing their dreams but not yet paying the bills. Job sources and ideas.
Four one-hour sessions - once weekly - $100.

I have been having fun talking companies in turnaround or restructuring about developing their people. My mantra is value - valuing yourself, valuing others and valuing the organization.

Contact me to find more about the job groups or consulting.

310 274 5337


Hey hey...

Here is a list of our upcoming Free Orientations in June. Thanks in advance for passing this information on!

Tuesday/June 3rd/12-2pm

Thursday/June 12th/7-9pm

Thursday/June 26th/12-2pm

For those that would like to reserve a space to attend any of June’s FREE orientations or for any of July’s dates available to you on the website, just give us a call (818) 509-1010 or email us @ info@actors-network.com.

Our best,
The TAN Team!

The Actors' Network
"Where careers are built, since 1991."
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Uniting the Artistic, Activist, & Progressive Community

"One person with one camera and one idea can make all the difference in the world"
Morgan Spurlock, Super Size Me


"ARTIVIST" is the 1st international film festival dedicated to addressing Human Rights, Children's Advocacy, Environmental Preservation, and Animal Advocacy. Our mission is to strengthen the voice of international activist artists - "Artivists" - while raising public awareness for social global causes.

The 5th Annual Artivist Film Festival is currently accepting international Film and Video submissions that concern themselves with human rights, social or political issues, children's issues/advocacy, animal issues/rights, or environmental issues. Artivist also accepts films that tell inspirational stories and / or are "empowering." Each year Artivist screens shorts, feature-length films, documentaries, narratives, music videos, experimental and animated shorts directed by established international filmmakers, novice filmmakers and the YouTube community. Since 2004, Artivist has showcased 300 films representing 52 countries, and has publicized its events to over 15 Million people in the United States, U.K., and Portugal.

2008 PROMISES FIVE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL SITES: Because the 2007 Artivist Film Festival was so well received, it went on to travel to two more international cities, London and Lisbon. This year, in 2008, we had a special film presentation at Georgetown University in February. Now we are preparing the 2008 festival program to premiere in Hollywood, then travel to London, Lisbon, Mexico City and Tokyo.

To submit your film before the June 1st deadline, click here!


Join us in our global mission of raising awareness and promoting positive change. The Artivist Board is now accepting resumes and applications for various Writers and Associate Producers. To learn more about what the Artivist organization has to offer click here!


By John Hoelle

Zeitgeist is a film that demands audiences question the fundamental structures underlying contemporary civilization. Specifically, the documentary attacks what it calls the American “tripartite myth” of God, country and prosperity. Produced and self-funded by Peter Joseph, Zeitgeist is designed to shock viewers into awareness, and has spawned a maelstrom of controversy over its calculated iconoclasm and portrayal of Christianity as pastiche fiction, the events of 9/11 as government conspiracy, and the role of the Federal Reserve as an institution of mass subjugation. While the film may lack the verifiable sources, or even the embodied voices many expect in a classic documentary, Joseph brings a fresh and vital viewpoint to a public forum and viewers are responding. Released exclusively on the internet in June of last year, Zeitgeist is currently the most daily-watched feature-length documentary in Internet history, with combined total views averaging around 70,000 a day, according to Joseph’s website. One gets the sense that the energy around this work and the unique formal aspects of the film itself somehow represents the collective consciousness, which is a real sign of the times.

The 2007 Artivist Film Festival was proud to provide Zeitgeist with its theatrical debut, and the film captured the “Best Feature – Artivist Spirit” prize. Joseph appreciates the prestige the festival is bringing to Zeitgeist: “My film was lifted to a higher respect because of its association with Artivist. I feel The Artivist Film Festival is an outstanding, dignified and honorable organization, which works to bring out important suppressed issues, rather than placating the publics' ill-conditioned interests. Artivist is doing what all media outlets should be doing: educating, raising awareness and increasing consciousness. [The programmers] were not scared to take the risk of showing a film which more traditional and establishment minded individuals might consider to be offensive.”

Zeitgeist seeks to upset many common understandings about how the world works – and one thing is sure, do not expect Joseph to cash in materially on the growing recognition of his film. He is already developing a follow-up (Zeitgeist – Addendum, due this October) to be released like its precursor, for free on the internet. “I do not seek profit outright. If people respect the message, they will help.” Joseph’s new film seeks to answer the question “What do we do now?” regarding the issues raised in the first film.

Joseph doesn’t have tips specifically for filmmakers, but to those who in any way seek to affect social/personal change for the better, he recommends thinking way outside of our normal zone. “The true functionality of any conscious, evolving human being, it to be able to stand ‘outside’ of his or her learned associations and objectively analyze the true empirical relevance, or lack thereof, of what they have been taught is true. It is this process of realization, learning and thus change, that will lead the species to continually higher levels of evolution and progress, because the limitations of personal ‘identity’ and thus ego will no longer exist.”

Zeitgeist can be seen in entirety at www.zeitgeistmovie.com


On November 11, 2008, the 4th Annual Artivist Film Festival concluded with the 2007 Artivist Awards. Our activist honorees were Ted Danson, Alyssa Milano, Dr. Gloria Lane and Claes Nobel, of the Nobel Prize Family, for their outstanding dedication to human rights, animal advocacy, and environmental protection. Upon receiving his award, Claes shared his experience in having attended many Nobel Prize Awards over the years, describing his Artivist honor as a " paramount juggernaut" and added humorously that it felt "Darn Good!"

Mr. Nobel went on to thank Artivist for "advancing the work of individuals, corporations, and organizations who are inspired to spread bravely and truthfully the mission of creating a world that is better, safer and saner than the one that we have today."


Call Me Gloria

By Jonathan Tyrrell

Dr. Gloria Lane has had countless roles in life. She's been an officer in the U.S. military, a dedicated wife, a doting mother, student, university professor, even a youthful tracker of carnivals at some long distant point.

Then on Oct. 6, during her 50th birthday celebration, she received a telephone call. It was her doctor. She had multiple sclerosis.

She would assume a new role; that of survivor.

Dr. Gloria is 75 now and needs to use a wheelchair, but you’d never guess either of those things from the passionate determination in her voice. “The only thing I can’t do is walk, other than that I can do everything. I can use my computer, telephone and of course work with people on a daily basis in whatever way they need to be helped.”

A seemingly tireless accumulator of hyphenates, Dr. Gloria picked up, along with MS survivor, the monikers of women’s advocate and in 1982, she founded the nonprofit Women’s International Center (WIC) whose mission is “Acknowledging, Honoring, Encouraging, and Educating Women”. A couple of years later, she started the Living Legacy Awards.

WIC helps women from other countries learn the fundamentals necessary to thrive in the U.S., including everything from language instruction to obtaining a Driver’s License. WIC is now working with like-minded organizations to assist homeless and abused women. In addition, WIC has linked up with a past Living Legacy Awards Honoree in sponsoring an orphanage of mostly girls in a small village in Nigeria. "You’ve got to start with the young ones.” Future endeavors include implementing programs that “…put out how women can make more money by helping each other start businesses,” says Dr. Gloria.

The first annual Living Legacy Awards presentation took place in honor of International Women’s Day in 1984. In the years since they have honored over 250 individuals from all walks of life for their contributions to humanity. Honorees have included everyone from Dr. Sally Ride to Benazir Bhutto, Uta Hagen to Mother Teresa, Senator Dianne Feinstein to Tippi Hedren.

Dr. Gloria hopes to partner with Artivist so that WIC can bring its history and viewpoint to the Artivist community and integrate the interests of both, thereby highlighting, through films and videos, the significant contributions women have made to the world.

When asked for any advice she might have for artists and activists today she responded, “First of all, you have to know what you want. Second, you have to stick to where you are going, and say to yourself, “I’m going, I’m going and I will not stop until I achieve what I’m after. I think that Artivist does exactly that.”

Time was running out and I had to ask Dr. Gloria if she had any favorite quotes. Her response was revealing, moving and perfectly fitting. “One of my favorite quotes is from Winston Churchill who in the dark days of World War II said, “In all the world the one thing that you must do is never ever never give up.” And that’s how I live, I just never give up. There’s no other way because the only way you achieve anything is to never give up. It’s too easy to quit, too easy to say it's too hard, too easy to say “No, let somebody else do that.” If you've got a dream live it, if you've got that dream make sure everybody else knows what your dream is, and make them part of your dream. Don’t try to do it all by yourself because it's not gonna happen. There are lots of people there to support you but you must make sure you communicate your dream so it includes those people and doesn’t just glorify yourself but glorifies all of the people that you’re hoping to help. You've gotta acknowledge everybody, because everybody has something to say or do that makes a difference.”

Commenting on WIC’s future, Dr. Gloria says with typical determination, “There are lots of things to do yet. I’m not giving up anytime soon.”


By Terri Iler

Beth Fisher describes herself as “one of those people who continuously spouts her opinions about politics and the evironment to anyone willing to listen.” A volunteer of The Artivist Collective since its beginning in 2004, she recalls receiving an unexpected phone call one morning from friend and Artivist founder Diaky Diaz: “After she underwent her metamorphosis into an activist, she knew I was the right person to contact because I believed the world needed to be exposed to the realities documented in the festival films, even if they were painful to watch.”

Nine months later the first film festival was held and Fisher was its volunteer coordinator. Over the years, she has continued to nurture its growth as a producer, associate producer and no frills event assistant. “I’ve done everything from finding the donors and sponsors to recruiting the volunteers to handling the food and even collecting tickets. I simply show up and take care of those things that need taking care of.”

In her first year as volunteer coordinator, she “literally relied on faithful friends, family and congenial volunteer organizations” to work at the festival. “It’s amazing,” she comments, “how many people you need and how it always manages to come off without a hitch.” Now that the Artivist Collective has steadily flourished into an internationally recognized organization, Fisher is “thrilled to have been there from the beginning . . . though hopefully this is just the beginning.”

When asked how Artivists has given back to her, Fisher responded: “I have learned the importance of diplomacy and the fact that people need to be willing to sit down at the table. Even in selecting the festival sponsors,” she explains, “we do not let them dictate what we do or do not show, no matter who we choose.” And as the showing continues with every year’s eye-opening films and videos, Fisher will continue to volunteer and, she assures us, will “always be there around festival time.”



"Merging Art & Activism

For Global Consciousness"




Dear Friends,

In 1978, two weeks after the Jim Jones massacre, I participated in EST. Friends begged me not to go but I had a certain ambivalence about life. As 500 of us walked into the LA Convention Center and the doors shut, I thought, "At least I'm not in Guyana." This past week, I watched a stunning documentary, "Transformation" and I suggest anyone touched or interested in the history of the human potential movement take a look. It is about Werner Erhard, the controversial founder of EST and Landmark Education. I kind of forgot how much Werner Erhard and EST actually influenced our culture. Yes, it was coarse, rude, vulgar, visionary and optimistic. The 70's were the same. EST produced almost a million graduates and its successor touched millions around the world. In watching the documentary my "take away" is that before EST, Erhard abandoned his own family. At least to me, this represents a failure that exceeds virtually any failure or disappointment I could ever have found in my own life. This deeply flawed and charismatic figure didn't use that failure as a reason to settle for a failed life. He went ahead and created his training, the organizations that perpetuated and a couple of charitable institutions. In others words, Erhard found a way to use his own brand of brilliance for the good of the world. In listening to the rhetoric of EST in the 70's, it dawned on me how much of our current culture, like it or not, is influenced by what happened. Virtually any modern talent management - organization development program embraces the move from the militaristic management model to at least beginning the partnership of uncovering possibilities together. Much of today's marketing and language of aspiration was characterized in the 70's as so "EST."

Prior to the late 70's and early 80's, how common was it for people to be talking about making a difference? Were there shortcomings to the process? Of course, it was the 70's. I watched so many people stand up and make commitments to change the world but the vision wasn't specific and personalized enough to gain traction. Plus, the support behind a real vision needs to be well designed. Back then, we'd throw ourselves into these huge volunteer groups. But, just one support or networking group isn't going to make anyone fully successful. Werner made a certain kind of mess out of things. But, look at the impact of his taking action. Much of the media payed attention to the mistakes he made but paid little notice when he reconnected with his family and sought forgiveness and integrity. And for the rest of us, how many times have we been conditioned to settle for mediocrity in our purpose, our satisfaction and our ability to touch others because we failed once, twice, three times? In the years since, many of us have found that life represents an extraordinary platform with absolute choice between whether we settle or pursue meaning, growth, joy, love, beauty and fulfillments. These are characteristics that define my life today and those closest to me - so, I know it is possible. Can we make a mess out of things? Yes and we will. But let's explore the possibility that simply doing nothing will make more than a mess, it will create a nightmare.

Of course the choice of making a difference, of pursuing the greatness within ourselves, our coworkers, our friends and family requires courage. And yet, in the wake of that pursuit, if we persist and try again, and again and again and we when prevail, gratitude emerges. That is the measurement.

So, if you are so inclined, here a few questions to potentially answer. If you choose to participate, take out a piece of paper and take a few minutes to answer each question.

1. If I was going to make a difference today, who would I touch and what would I do to make their world better?

2. Where have I felt any sense of failure and how could I elevate my response?

3. What parts of my own mission, vision and purpose are worthy of persistence?

4. If I was going to transform the way I work, what would I change?


David Harder


THE INSPIRED WORK PROGRAM - July 12 & 13 - Saturday & Sunday

How many of our waking hours are consumed getting ready for, being at, driving home and recovering from work?

How much does the quality of your work impact your personal life, your love relationships, your family and the way you feel about yourself?

Life is indeed, short. We want you to know that if you give us two days, forty-eight hours, you will emerge from the Inspired Work Program with a new relationship towards your life. During the program, realizations take place:

- Immediate breakthroughs in your entire relationship towards work

- Clarity in how to use all that you've learned

- A move beyond day-to-day frenzy to fulfillment and greater success

Many participants characterize the program as the single most profound seminar they've ever experienced. It's our promise - give us two days and we will deliver more than you expected and more than you dreamed.

INSPIRED PRESENTATIONS - September 25 & 26 - Thursday & Friday

Perception Matters.

Once we establish any kind of success, over 85% of our ability to sustain and grow that success is based on our ability to influence others. Inspired Presentations builds expertise across the entire spectrum of human communications. In two days, six participants transform their ability to present to all audiences, regardless of size or makeup. In this program, everyone experiences and connects with themselves at such a deep level that presentation comes from authenticity. We've learned that so many people fear presentations because they believe, at some core level, they have to turn into someone else. Inspired Presentations represents a sophisticated blend of science, common sense and expert's knowledge born out of that highly competitive industry: Advertising. During this revolutionary experience, each participant learns how to persuade individual and collective audiences to connect effectively and without fear. Consider the profit and success opportunities.

Inspired Presentations is limited to six participants.

Please note: We have received a number of inquiries for a program prior to September. If you want to participant in Inspired Presentations prior to September, contact our office and we will confirm the date for an additional public offering.

INSPIRED SALES - August 9 - Saturday

In seven hours, learn how to get business without making a pitch.

Double Your Income in 2009 - Four Ways to Make it Happen!

Meet extraordinary people in an environment that moves well beyond traditional networking. We match attendees effectively and consciously. Alumni programs are limited to individuals who have participated in one of our programs and their guests.

The evening's topic:

Regardless of whether you are self-employed, have a job, work in a large company or small; this information is unexpected and will serve you for the rest of your career. We have found four ways to significantly increase income. They are practical. Each one produces immediate benefits. And, we will make it fun for you to learn. The curriculum, as always, is informative and there will be a great deal of engagement with everyone.

The event requires pre-registration and there is a program fee of $75/person - refreshments and food is included. To register, please call or e-mail, Paula Plotnick, Chief Enrollment Officer at (310) 277-4850 or paula@inspiredworkservices.com.

For more information, please visit our website: www.inspiredworkservices.com

If you wish to have a friend or colleague added to our newsletter mailings, please forward a request to info@inspiredworkservices.com

If you want to be removed from our mailings, simply respond to this e-mail with the subject, remove.

1801 Century Park East, 24th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067

P: (310) 277-4850
E: david@inspiredworkservices.com



Zócalo at ArcLight Hollywood

Wednesday, June 18, 7:30 pm at ArcLight Hollywood

Zócalo and the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West

Gay L.A. vs. Gay San Francisco

Moderated by J. Edwin Bacon, Jr., Rector at All Saints Church

To many a Californian, Los Angeles and San Francisco exist in perpetual rivalry. Los Angeles is nouveau glitz to San Francisco's substance. Or San Francisco is the radical metropolis to L.A.'s more mainstream moderation. For gay and lesbian Americans, both cities have been destinations for decades. And yet what Los Angeles and San Francisco have offered gay Americans—and what they have allowed—have been strikingly different.

Join us for an exploration of the gay and lesbian past of California's great urban rivals. Historians Nan Boyd and Daniel Hurewitz, as well as demographer Gary Gates, visit Zócalo to discuss the long history of gay activities in the two cities. What corners of each city seemed amenable to a gay presence? What factors shaped acceptance or repression? The panelists will also examine the policing of gay men and women—the different tactics and approaches used in each city—and the different impact that those policies had. And because California gave birth to the national gay rights movement, the panel will explore the emergence of a gay political constituency within both cities and the country as a whole, trying to understand how and why it was California came to play such a central role. (This event is made possible, in part, by a grant from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation of Los Angeles.)

To Reserve a Free Seat at ArcLight Hollywood Click Here

Zócalo in Miracle Mile

Tuesday, June 17, 7:30 pm at Goethe-Institut Los Angeles

How Will China Emerge from the Rubble?

Moderated by Michael Woo, former Los Angeles City Councilman

The earthquake in Sichuan Province and its aftershocks produced widespread devastation and incalculable human tragedy on the eve of the Olympic Games in Beijing. Instead of marking the unblemished emergence of China as a world power, the ongoing human tragedy paints a more complicated portrait of the evolution which has brought China to this point and the changes which may come in the future. Chengdu natives Zhu Yanfeng and Liu Jin, Deputy Governor of the Futian District and Deputy Director of the Shenzhen Science, Technology, and Information Bureau, respectively, KAZN Radio talk show host Cat Chao, and Linda Bourque and Virginia Li of UCLA School of Public Health visit Zócalo to explore how the earthquake is likely to change Chinese society and politics.

To Reserve a Free Seat at Goethe-Institut Los Angeles Click Here

Zócalo at The Skirball

Wednesday, June 25, 7:30 pm at The Skirball Cultural Center

Carl Zimmer, "The Oracle in the Gut: E. Coli and the Meaning of Life"

New York Times science writer Carl Zimmer visits Zócalo to discuss how an ordinary microbe, E. coli, is revealing the deepest secrets of life itself. In his new book, Microcosm: E. coli and the New Science of Life, Zimmer explores how this microbe, known to most of us for its deadly outbreaks, is actually leading scientists to a new understanding of what it means to be alive. From altruism to death, genetic destiny versus individualism and the possibility of life beyond our planet, E. coli can answer many of our deepest questions about existence. As engaging and insightful as he is knowledgeable, Zimmer discusses how E. coli has played a pivotal role in the history of biology, and continues to lead the way in the search for life-saving drugs, clean fuel, and a deeper understanding of our own genetic makeup and the history of life.



CINE GEAR EXPO 2008 at the Universal Studios Backlot in Universal City, California on June 20-21, 2008 is the premier film, video, high definition and digital media expo, networking event and seminar series for the entertainment production and post-production community. With more than 200 companies participating from around the world, the great social atmosphere will continue with opportunity to introduce new technology, new equipment and products to the entertainment community in a jam-packed two days. Register now for FREE! http://www.cinegearexpo.com. Exhibition & Premier Seminars. Universal Studios Backlot - Friday, June 20 - 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. - Saturday, June 21 • 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - Film Series June 19-21 • Universal Studios Backlot - Master Class Seminars - June 22 • Hollywood Locations.
DVDs – CDs – PROMO: MovieMaker recommends our friends at CRYSTAL CLEAR DISC, PROMO AND APPAREL for your DVD and CD replication needs. Serving the regional, national independent and major film industry for over 35 years, Crystal Clear has grown to become one of the largest, most experienced and respected replication and promotional products companies anywhere in the country. Visit them on the web at http://www.crystalclearcds.com or contact the head of Crystal Clear, Jim Cocke, at 800/880-0073, ext. 114 or jim@crystalclearcds.com. Be sure to let Jim know you were referred by MovieMaker for great discounts and special offers!

DISTRIBUTOR SEEKING INDEPENDENT FILMS: EYESODA.COM, a new online community for both filmmakers and film lovers, is looking for independent films to distribute online (non-exclusive). Accepted filmmakers will be able to use the Web to build a global audience and create their own online communities. Filmmakers will be paid 50 percent of their film’s proceeds (ticket sales and advertising) monthly. EyeSoda.com is currently seeking films of 20+ minutes. Join today! The first 50 filmmakers to be accepted on Eyesoda.com will receive $100 in their online account. Prizes awarded on June 30th. Check out “How to Get Started” to submit your film today. Info: http://www.eyesoda.com; info@eyesoda.com. Send DVDs to: Eyesoda, Inc., P.O. Box 28335, Scottsdale, AZ 85255.

FOCAL PRESS: Have a short film that needs to be seen? Enter to win expert help from Sharon Badal! Sign up today at http://www.focalpress.com/shortfilm and you could win a one hour phone consultation with Sharon Badal, short film programmer for the Tribeca Film Festival. She'll share insider tips on how to get your film the exposure it deserves and answer all of your short film questions. Enter today! http://www.focalpress.com/shortfilm.

See your script come to life! Sit back in the director's chair and watch as your script comes to life with FRAMEFORGE 3D STUDIO. Unlike the convoluted storyboarding software of the past, FrameForge makes it effortless to plan and present your project like never before. With FrameForge, you can import a complete script from either Final Draft or Movie Magic Screenwriter and start storyboarding right away. You'll also save time and money with optically correct storyboards that display shots just as they would be seen through the camera! Best of all, FrameForge 3D Studio allows you to easily share your work with the people who can turn your cinematic vision into reality. SRP $399; Sale Price $349. Save $50 when you enter or mention promo code MOVIEMAKER during checkout. Available at The Writers Store: 800/272-8927; 310/441-5151 or online at http://www.writersstore.com/?e=1032.

Receive a FREE MOVIE TICKET when you create a listing in the HOLLYWOOD OMNIBOOK*, a new online directory for all things Hollywood. Join the thousands of Hollywood-related products, services, professionals and more already listed in the Hollywood OmniBook. The Website makes it easy to attract new business and get the word out about your latest projects. Thousands of new and repeat visitors search our site each month. Make it easy for Hollywood to find you, all for less than $25 per year. Plus, create a listing now and receive 15 percent off standard listing fees. (Use Promo Code HOB15P). *Details at http://www.HollywoodOmniBook.com/MovieMaker.

INDIEPRODUCER has just launched a social networking platform with a difference. At http://www.indieproducer.net you create your profile and that becomes part of our virtual job market for filmmakers. Along with your resume, you can upload your films, trailers, photos, videos and clips. Blog about your project or just network with like minded filmmakers from all over the world. You can post your film-related items or equipment to sell, barter or swap. Membership is free and it only takes a minute to create a profile. Each month IP is giving away $100 to the "most viewed" video posted on our site. You'll find the IP social networking site is specifically designed for filmmakers and film-lovers everywhere. Info: http://www.indieproducer.net.

Visit http://www.screenplay.com and discover why MacWorld just gave MOVIE MAGIC SCREENWRITER 6 a near-perfect review. MacWorld says "Movie Magic Screenwriter makes a strong play for the top box office spot by adding significant outlining and navigation capabilities to what was already one of the most stable and full-featured professional screenwriting software tools available." Visit http://www.screenplay.com and download a five-day, fully working trial version of Movie Magic Screenwriter (Mac or PC).

On June 27th - 29th, THE WIFI FILM CONFERENCE will offer a complete weekend of networking, knowledge and a lot of fun in Wilmington, NC, better known as “Hollywood East.” Friday Night kicks off the weekend at the WiFi "Gilded Nights" Gala honoring the Screen Actors Guild's 75th anniversary, paying tribute to legendary actor Pat Hingle. The black-tie meet-n-greet is the place where filmmakers and actors have the chance to socialize with our featured WiFi guest speakers, celebrities and enjoy hors d'oeuvres, drinks and entertainment. On Saturday, get ready for the The WiFi Film Conference, an all-day event that will feature film experts in the fields of distribution, editing, directing, storyboarding, screenwriting, pitching, developing and more. The featured guests will be speaking in one hour blocks giving filmmakers and actors the tools to advance their careers. Saturday evening, The WiFi After-Glow will end the day for some booty-shaking fun. On Sunday, don’t miss out on the Pitch Breakfast with WGA Award-winning Ken Rotcop, who will be hosting a "Practice Your Pitch." The WiFi Film Conference is sponsored by MovieMaker, Subaru and Mighty Fist Motion Pictures. Info: http://www.wifiwilmington.com

ONLINE VIDEO AD COMPETITION: Have a great idea for a new TV ad? Show us your stuff! In celebration of WILDPITCH.TV'S upcoming Website launch, we've announced an exciting new contest. All moviemakers (18+ yrs) can showcase their talent by creating and submitting video ads (one-minute or less) for their favorite products and brands. GRAND PRIZE: Apple Mac Pro Tower with 30" Cinema Flat Screen. 2nd and 3rd prizes aren't bad either. 100 honorable mentions. Video entries must be uploaded between now and June 21st. Public voting begins on June 22nd at http://www.wildpitch.tv. Full contest details are available at: http://www.makeyourownvideoad.com.

Established in 1929, ACADEMY OF ART UNIVERSITY, the nation's largest accredited private art and design university, offers degrees and continuing art education courses in 13 majors, available online or in San Francisco. Motion Pictures & Television courses include: Acting, Cinematography, Directing, Editing, Producing, Production Design, Screenwriting and Special Effects. Students learn advanced techniques on cutting-edge equipment providing them the skills they need to obtain positions at top companies like Warner Bros. or LucasFilm. Find out more at http://www.academyart.edu and check for an Open House in your area. RSVP to 800/544-2787.

ACTION FILM WORKSHOPS - http://www.actionfilmworkshops.com. A two-week workshop, offering practical education and hands-on training in film fighting and action sequence production for directors, fight arrangers, stunt players and editors. Taught by working professionals (Batman, Troy, Stardust, The Lord of The Rings). Students work on five action movie styles and leave with a loaded DVD.

Learn the art of film editing while working on an actual feature film at THE EDIT CENTER. The Edit Center's six-week Art of Editing Course brings together editing students with independent filmmakers who need their movies edited (recent projects include The Great World of Sound and Trucker). The class is taught by accomplished editors whose credits include Sicko, The Squid and the Whale and Garden State, among others. Edit Center alumni have gone on to work on films such as Little Miss Sunshine, Half Nelson, Control Room, No End in Sight and Matchpoint. The Edit Center also offers weekend and one-week Final Cut Pro classes as well as courses in DVD Studio Pro, Soundtrack Pro, Motion and Logic. For additional info call 212/691-2370 or visit http://www.theeditcenter.com.

There's something exciting happening in Seattle! THEFILMSCHOOL has been making good on its mission to elevate the art of storytelling for the past four years with its three-week-intensive session. This unique program is an endless source of learning and inspiration. Conducted by top industry leaders and legends such as award-winning actor Tom Skerritt and Oscar-winning A Rebel Without a Cause scribe Stewart Stern, the personal connection between instructor and student is second to none. The deadline for the summer session 2008 is June 20th, so visit http://www.thefilmschool.com right away for more information on how you can participate!

THE INTERNATIONAL FILM SCHOOL SYDNEY (IFSS) boasts a faculty of top-level film professionals and rising industry stars. Focusing on developing versatile individuals, it offers a professional, practical, creative and in-depth approach to filmmaking with students being given the option of shooting on either Red One HD or Super 16mm. IFSS allows students to make six to eight films of their own authorship with no hidden production costs, and features certificate programs in Screenwriting, Directing and Producing as well as ground breaking courses in Cinematography, Sound and Editing. Go to http://www.ifss.edu.au to find out more or apply.

The Recording Arts Program at MEDIATECH INSTITUTE is a comprehensive program designed to teach students the basic to advanced aspects of audio recording, operational and basic technical concepts of audio equipment provided by practical applications, demonstrations and projects that are based around the many different audio related professions. Basic system configurations are developed to understand equipment interrelationships. Graduates of this program may find entry-level employment as an assistant engineer in a recording studio, radio station, TV station, Post-production facility, or live music venue. Info: http://www.mediatechinstitute.com or https://secure.concentric.com/dallassoundlab.com/SmallEnroll.shtml.

NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY offers intensive hands-on filmmaking, acting, animation, producing, screenwriting, editing and digital filmmaking programs. One year, 2 year Conservatory, Bachelor's, Masters of Fine Art and short-term programs and workshops available. No film school can match the Academy's bi-coastal campuses in the heart of New York City and on the back lot of Universal Studios in Hollywood, as well as their many international locations including UK, China, Italy, UAE, France and Spain. Call them at 212/674-4300 or email film@nyfa.com. Info: http://www.nyfa.com.

TV PITCH SCHOOL - The ultimate home study course for TV show creators by Mark & Jeanne Simon, founders of http://www.sellyourtvconceptnow.com.
Three courses include 15 CDs and three workbooks. Everything you need to pitch your show: *Pitch Like a Pro CD set—50 of the Greatest TV Pitch Strategies of All Time. *Land Pitch Meetings WITHOUT AN AGENT *A List of 526 Networks plus Links *How to Create a Production Bible/Treatment CD *PLUS actual treatment samples and much more! Invest in your dreams! Go to http://www.tvpitchschool.com now. Only $397 + S&H. http://www.tvpitchschool.com.

Great films are being made right now at VANCOUVER FILM SCHOOL. Drawing inspiration from every corner of the world and working under the guidance of industry veterans, students in the intensive one-year Film Production program at VFS learn the disciplines of directing, producing, cinematography, art direction, writing and editing. They make top-quality drama and documentary films, gaining vital studio skills, experience and professional-level reels. The results are there for all to see—award-winning student work is playing now on http://www.vfs.com.

WATKINS FILM SCHOOL, a division of Watkins College of Art & Design/Film, is a four-year BFA college focusing on the visual arts. Additionally, a Certificate in Film program is also offered for those already holding a bachelor's degree. At Watkins Film School you can concentrate in directing, producing, screenwriting, cinematography and editing while developing your skills in the entire filmmaking process. Courses are small, allowing for faculty mentoring and advising and close collaboration with colleagues. For more information and a complete catalog, contact admissions@watkins.edu, call 615/383-4848 (toll-free 866/887-6395) or check out http://www.watkins.edu.

ALBUQUERQUE—The Film Capital of the Southwest. More than 310 days of sunshine, with a wide variety of locations, from small town to big city, arid desert to Ponderosa forests. Home to ABQ Studios, the largest independent film studios in North America. A film-friendly town! Info: http://www.cabq.gov/film or 505/768-3283.

The VIRGINIA FILM OFFICE is pleased to announced that a comprehensive 16th- and 17th-century Colonial era back lot, along with period farm and wharf sets are now available for filming. All the sets are near Richmond, one of the state's main production centers. The back lot location is on 16 acres and features nine streets with Colonial era government buildings, residences and shops. Cobblestones, alleyways and a town square make this the perfect location for any project requiring authentic period architecture. Some matching interior sets are also available. Additional locations that complement the back lot are a wharf set featuring a colonial era ship, dock and warehouses, a farm setting that includes a house, fields and outbuildings and a replica of the Oval Office. Richmond and the surrounding area also offers a wealth of period architecture and a fee-free production facility. To view photographs visit the Virginia Film Office Website at http://www.filmvirginia.org. For more information, contact the Virginia Film Office at 800/854-6233 or e-mail vafilm@virginia.org.

ANTICS TECHNOLOGIES provides FREE 3D animation software bringing a film studio to your desktop with no animation experience required. With Antics, 3D animation for pre-viz, storyboarding and/or pitching is no longer the reserve of big-budget VFX productions. Pre-visualize or pitch key scenes with point and click 3D animation, complete with character animation and camera choreography. Antics V3.1 features integration with Google’s 3D Warehouse, giving you access to 100,000s of free 3D models. Download the fully-functional and FREE Antics V3.1 BasePack at http://www.antics3d.com and you’ll also get access to thousands of free interactive characters, props, sets, animations, etc. available for download.

CINE-O-MATIC PROVIDES BEST OPTION FOR PROFESSIONAL BLU-RAY. Cineomatic provides professional DVD and Blu-ray encoding, authoring and menu design. Contact info@cineomatic.com or call 612/236-9160. Info: http://www.cineomatic.com.

FINAL DRAFT, INC. provides filmmakers the tools they need to develop, write, format and sell their scripts. Final Draft software automatically formats to Hollywood's stringent rules and offers filmmakers tools like Tagger to help them break down, or Tag their scripts. Script magazine, a Final Draft publication, provides in-depth coverage on the craft and business for writing for film and TV, and Final Draft's events and services help writers gain industry access and provide feedback on their screenplays. Visit http://www.finaldraft.com to learn more about Final Draft software, Script magazine, Take A Meeting, Big Break and ScriptXpert.

Do what works! Showcase your scripts on INKTIP—the only site where scripts and writers are consistently acquired. From the scripts/writers that have been found through the InkTip network, 48 movies have been produced. For details, see http://www.inktip.com/prod.php. Through the Preferred Newsletter, writers have optioned their scripts and been hired to write. Additionally, InkTip sends out a printed magazine to industry professionals with loglines from writers on the Website. Get your scripts seen at http://www.inktip.com.

PRODUCTIONHUB, INC. (http://www.productionhub.com) is the leading online resource and industry directory for film, television, video and digital media production. Developed as a tool for people to locate production products, services and professionals, ProductionHUB has grown to become the number one production search engine. They remain committed to providing an online starting point for the production industry and any professional with a production need—a philosophy which has enabled them to become the number one industry information resource, with more than 200,000 monthly users. Contact them toll free 877/629-4122, or email help@productionhub.com.

SILVERADO SYSTEMS designs and implements HD and 4K editing systems for post-production facilities. Silverado Systems had two of the earliest released RED ONE cameras and has developed systems specifically designed for editing projects with .R3D files. They've now completed work on multiple RED projects from music videos, cinematic shorts and feature films. They've also worked on some of the largest Apple Xsan projects in the country for broadcast and post. Info: http://www.Silverado.cc.

While tradeable state tax credit incentive programs have existed for years, the recent addition of tradeable film tax credit programs to the marketplace has fueled a frenzied competition among states to attract filmmakers. Nearly every state in the U.S. is offering their own version of incentives, in the form of a direct rebate or as a tradeable tax credit. The professionals at TAX CREDITS, LLC are placement specialists and film incentive experts. Tax Credits, LLC has handled nearly 1,000 transactions totaling in excess of $300 million in various tax credits. The company's goal is to assist in the development of a professional and reliable tax credit market, one state at a time, utilizing our strong ethics and knowledge of the market. http://www.taxcreditsllc.com.

“I can’t believe it’s ROYALTY FREE!” Welcome to the TWISTEDTRACKS.COM production music library. Music this good usually comes with a high price tag and complicated licensing, but not with Twisted Tracks. You get great music, affordable pricing and no hassle. The company specializes in modern genres from ambient, downtempo, electronic, rock and soundtrack to world music. They’ve got the styles you need, and the variety from which to choose. All tracks and volumes are offered in uncompressed AIF and WAV or MP3 format for immediate download or delivery, with intelligent search capabilities to find the right one fast. Visit http://www.twistedtracks.com.

For more information on advertising in MovieMaker's FLASH e-newsletter, contact Ian Bage at 800/677-4424 or ian@moviemaker.com.

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Hi Colleague,

Just got back in town after my annual Pre-Birthday Retreat.

Spent 3 days completing my music CD in Berkeley, then 5 days at Harbin Hot Springs in Napa Valley. (My birthday is next week, June 12. Don't forget to send me an email.)

I also reread my Chesterfield Nominated screenplay written years ago in preparation for a rewrite. A wonderful process.


To contradict what they say in Fight Club, the First Rule of leadership is:

Always Talk About Leadership.

See the article below for why it's important and how to start.

LITERATI SCHMOOZE EVENT: Thursday, June 19th from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Informal hang and discussion. Tea, soup, boba drinks. (Details on the right side of the page.)


I'll be in the NY area from June 24th till July 3rd and will be available to meet in person for individual or company sessions. Let me know if you'd like to set something up.

NYC SCHMOOZE: I'll also be setting up a NYC schmooze one evening. Let me know if you'd like details. Tentatively scheduled for Thursday, June 26th at 5:30 pm. (Got any ideas for a place to meet?)

Want to do a Living Room Event in your home for your friends? If you put an event together I'll give you a 1-Hour career session at no charge. Lets talk.

See ya.




2008 Maui Film Festival at Wailea
and the Maui Arts & Cultural Center


Tuesday, July 8, 7:30 PM at The Hammer Museum

Baby, I'm Bored: When Did Motherhood Become a Career and Is It a Professional Disaster? A Conversation with Leslie Bennetts and Meg Wolitzer

Moderated by Meghan Daum, Los Angeles Times columnist

Forty years ago, the term "stay at home mom" would have been considered redundant. Twenty years ago, "housewife" had become a dirty word and the ability to balance family and career was seen as an extension of female self-respect and empowerment. Today, some women are rejecting the 1980s-era notion of "having it all" by dropping out of the workforce--sometimes permanently--to raise their children. In her book The Feminine Mistake, journalist Leslie Bennetts suggests that women have been oversold on the idea they must choose between being good workers and being good mothers. Using extensive data, she suggests that women who stop working even temporarily sacrifice much more than financial stability.

If there's a fictional companion to The Feminine Mistake, it's Meg Wolitzer's The Ten Year Nap. The story of four highly educated friends who put their careers on hold a decade earlier when they had children, Wolitzer's novel explores how and why these women still haven't gone back to work despite their children being school aged. In a lively and provocative discussion, these two writers--both mothers themselves--will talk about the complications and contradictions of "having it all" and the role that feminism does (or doesn't) play in the lives of contemporary women.

To Reserve a Free Seat at The Hammer Click Here


Not everyone has the magic touch. Not everyone has their finger on the very pulse of an industry. Not everyone can say they have done so for more than 40 years.

Godfrey Harris, Executive Director Emeritus of the International Publishers Alliance has these credentials. Not only has he been successful for decades as a small press publisher, but Harris is an innovative force in the Publishing & Marketing Industries.

Stanford educated, Harris worked at executive levels in the White House under two presidential administrations. He's served in lobbying capacities, and he has shepherded hundreds of authors through the traditional and non-traditional strategies of successful and profitable publishing.
So what's that have to do with you and what you're doing? Simple... Godfrey Harris knows your business better than you do. His short yet exciting presentation will give a dramatic history of the Publishing Industry and show you how you can take advantage of the new technologies, new opportunities, and new realities in the World of Publishing.

Miss this rare talk and you may very well miss the one thing that will catapult you through the annuls of super stardom. Wouldn't that be a shame?

The meeting includes a delicious four course meal at twenty**dollars and at this meeting, we'll be giving away special prizes from our new sponsors. Don't miss it!

WHAT: the Writers Roundtable
WHEN: Thursday, June 19, 2008
TIME: 12:00 Noon-SHARP!
WHERE: Magnolia Restaurant
1915 W. Magnolia Blvd. (near Buena Vista)
Burbank, CA 91504
(818) 954-9844

Any questions? Phone Michael J. Herman, Chair of The Writers Roundtable
(818) 843-7783 or (818) 441-9288


Total Pop Star with Joey Lawrence, Deborah Gibson and Andrew Van Slee to Broadcast LIVE Daily During Finale Showdown

Hollywood, CA (PRWEB) June 14, 2008 -- You've just watched another season of American Idle come and go. Or was that the same season repeated?

Isn't it time to treat yourself to something totally better?

On June 29th, the first TOTAL POP STAR will be crowned.

TPS is shot where REAL Americans do their singing -- their bedrooms and living rooms. Performances are submitted in YouTube-like video clips to TotalPopStar.com.
"Real talent doesn't require a soundstage and hair and makeup people," says Universal Music's Van Slee, who created the series. "And it doesn't require that you travel hundreds of miles to a specific city and wait in line for hours and hours."

And absolutely everyone with a musical dream - no matter how young or old - can enter and be judged by Van Slee and his better-looking co-horts, 16-times platinum singer Deborah Gibson and Nickelodeon god Joey Lawrence.

Some of the most totally talented finds so far are our six finalists, Casey Lee Smith from Glendale, AZ, Destinee Q. from Surprise, AZ, Colton from South Wales, NY, DaNica from Red Lion, PA, Selyne from Mississauga, Ontario Canada and Shanta from Los Angeles, CA plus a lady with so much Botox around her mouth that she actually can't sing. (OK, so maybe she's not that totally talented. Just kidding, there's no lady with too much Botox in this finale.)

Visit www.totalpopstar.com now to learn more about the final six contestants coming to HOLLYWOOD! You'll be able to see all the finale week action LIVE via your computer, all day/everyday, starting Saturday, June 14th through Saturday, June 21st, just by visiting www.totalpopstar.com!

TPS not only finds tomorrow's stars, it nudges them along. The winner receives a recording contract and prizes worth over $150,000.

Still not convinced that TPS is totally better? Read on, infidel...
Our finalists get to physically collaborate with our judges, resulting in a new single for our winner to perform.

Rather than texting votes at a certain time (and getting charged for contributing to the show!) viewers rate as many videos on the site at their leisure.

Our judging panel is Simon-free and emotionally stable. (Well, Joey did shave his head like Britney Spears did, but that doesn't make him unstable. Does it?)

According to web-ranking company Alexa, TotalPopStar.com is one of the worst-kept secrets on the Web, rocketing from the 6 millionth ranked site in Nov. 2007 to the 80,000th in March. And each week shows an increase of 50 percent new unique site visitors.

It seems that everybody ELSE is checking us out. What are you waiting for? American Idle to start again?

A final round of voting for six singers runs from June 23-26. The 2008 winner will be crowned LIVE via the Internet on June 29th at 5:00PM ET/2:00PM PT.

TOTAL POP STAR, launched by IFA DOT COM, LLC is the world's first and biggest online singing competition! No long lines, no missed opportunities and best of all, no Simon! Mashing up the appeal of the internet with the ever-hot music industry, TOTAL POP STAR seeks to uncover the next singing sensation from amidst the masses and plant launch them into super stardom! The TOTAL POP STAR Celebrity Judges and Hosts are the highly recognizable faces of this multi-platform venture providing our online audience insight into all things TOTAL POP STAR.

For media inquiries and booking please contact:
Jim Strzalkowski
Xtra Public Relations
(818) 761-9582 x236


NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX Trading Hours

The New York Stock Exchange is open from Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET

The NASDAQ Stock Market regular trading hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.

After Hours trading is from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET.

The Amex Stock Market is open from Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.

Pre Market Trading Session is From 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. ET