Sunday, January 20, 2008



I believe that we can turn the strike break into an opportunity to start doing amazing things: reinvent our careers, create the lives we want to have, increase our creative output, and increase our financial security if we spend the time to do the thinking, planning, exploring and getting support.

That's why I created a ONE DAY CAREER REINVENTION event January 26th to help creative people do exactly that.

This powerful day will walk you through the steps of getting clarity on where you are now, where you want to be and what the steps are to get there.

You may show up confused, curious or skeptical but I guarantee you'll leave excited, motivated and energized. (And if you show up energized, you'll leave even more energized, focused and with a bunch of new contacts and friends.)

Jan. 26, 2008 - 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Wilshire Grand Hotel - Downtown Los Angeles

$249.00 at the Door.
$99.00 Early Bird Special

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